Weekly Yin Yoga
Each week on Monday nights, I lead a Yin Yoga practice, where my experience and education in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Shiatsu are integrated into long-held postures that are often supported by props. We practice mindfulness meditation and end the class with a long, guided relaxation practice. All levels are welcome. Please pre-register by contacting me (Sarah) at hamsaswan@hotmail.com
Mondays, 8:30 to 10:00 p.m.
Friday Green Tara Puja
Friday mornings, we make offerings and chant prayers to the Goddess Tara, who removes suffering, is wise and compassionate and who awakens these qualities within us. The one-hour ritual is offered by donation, and is also pre-registered.
Fridays, 7:00 to 8:00 a.m.